🚀Measure, monitor, and evaluate the progress and success of the Knowledge Management strategy.
💡Define the objectives, short-term, medium-term, and long-term expectations from the beginning, and associate indicators and critical success factors to control, make improvements, and present results to the organization.
🙌🏻We present three aspects that you can measure:
- The percentage of critical knowledge at risk of loss: This may be associated with a process, an area, or a strategic vector. Knowledge at risk of loss may be that which is concentrated in one person or a small group of people, explicit knowledge with poor preservation practices, knowledge that is external to the organization (e.g., a supplier), and on which the organization depends to make decisions or solve problems.
- After mapping the knowledge to the corporate strategy, you can determine the percentage of critical knowledge that the organization needs to achieve it. This is knowledge in which the organization must initiate an active process of absorption or appropriation for the execution of its strategic projects and operational plans associated with them.
- The percentage and/or number of explicit knowledge assets that the organization has developed, documented, and made available to people and processes. The organization has ensured that tacit knowledge (that which is in people) is converted into information for consultation, appropriation, and generation of learning actions, thereby ensuring business continuity and process operation.
🚀And there’s more!
📊The important thing is to measure according to the objective of the Knowledge Management strategy.
At Bitanna, we accompany you in the design, implementation, and control of the Knowledge Management strategy